Turkish Petroleum



Our end-to-end, integrated career management process comprises the integration of our human resources system, identification of career paths and the organization of training programs in line with those. We regard matching employees with their career maps as the essential success factor to ensure both employee loyalty and the delivery of our corporate vision.

Career Opportunities for Students
Carry out a real enterprise project and take the first step into your Türkiye Petrolleri career in our 12-week summer internship program in a fun working environment.

Functions available for internship:

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Information and Technology Management (IT)

What are our requirements?
You have to be in your 3rd year at the university or a 1st year student at a graduate program to apply for project internship.

Career Opportunities for New Graduates and Professionals
We aim to create an environment where people will succeed, both professionally and personally. We know that we constantly have to develop our processes to ensure that we recruit the best talents and retain them in our company happily for many years. We aim to offer them a great career journey by providing them more options in terms of career opportunities, more space to ensure that they achieve success and development and more guidance throughout their careers.